Internet Connection Randomly turns off

Good evening,

Recently I’ve started using Twingate as it started being a requirement on my work, but randomly my internet access is cut, even though my internet status is fine. (Checked on other computers on the network)
So, going after a fix for this error, I found that it is a known issue and there’s a fix for it.
However, the fix provided isn’t working.
The fix in question is this one: http:// help .twingate . com/hc/en-us/articles/4529118290077-Windows-Client-Unexpected-Windows-Notification-No-Internet-Access (unlinking the direct link because of new user limitations)

But following the steps, it returns me the following error:

Invoke-WebRequest : 404: Not Found
No linha:1 caractere:15

  • … referIPv4 = Invoke-WebRequest
  •             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebR
      equest) [Invoke-WebRequest], WebException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Co
      Invoke-Expression : Não é possível associar o argumento ao parâmetro ‘Command’
      porque ele é nulo.
      No linha:1 caractere:146
  • … ient/Windows/preferIPv4.ps1; Invoke-Expression $($preferIPv4.Content)
  •                                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:slight_smile: [Invoke-Expression], ParameterBindin
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,Micros

Seems like the link “htt ps:// raw .github usercontent .com/Twingate-Labs/tg-scripts/main/Client/Windows/preferIPv4.ps1” cannot be accessed and returns a 404.

I’m not even sure it’ll work, since in other topics it seems like even after succeeding on implementing that fix, the issue still persisted with some people. I don’t know if that’s my case because I just can’t access it.
I’ve also read that it’s an issue related to the sleep state of the computer, I’ll try the workaround of always logging out of Twingate and connecting again whenever I put the notebook in sleep mode, unlike what I was doing which was leaving it always logged in.
Would be good to have a built-in feature to avoid that though.

Edit: While writing this I just realized that it might not be so “random”, but always a few minutes after turning my laptop on from sleep status.


Hi Pawik,

Sorry for the missing script, I’m doing some investigating to determine what might be up there and where it went.

In the meantime, are you actually getting the “No Internet Detected” error, or is it all looking “correct” but you can’t connect to things?

When it happens, are you able to ping something via IP address? (like google dns for example and get a response, or does nothing come back?

Are you seeing this WITHOUT your machine going to sleep/switching networks, or is it only when there’s a change like that?

Let me know and we’ll keep troubleshooting, and I’ll see what I can find out about that script.



Hmm… it might not be sleep-state related, since I tested a few more times and it didn’t disconnect a few minutes after waking up, despite being the case when it last happened.

In the meantime, are you actually getting the “No Internet Detected” error, or is it all looking “correct” but you can’t connect to things?

I get “No internet detected”, with the globe with a stop sign on it. I didn’t test pinging because whenever it happens my priority is trying to reconnect asap since the work I do is timed, and this usually involves disconnecting from Twingate and disabling and enabling my wi-fi back on, which fixes it. I’ll try it next time it happens. (I also didn’t check only disabling/enabling the wi-fi while still being connected to Twingate, I’ll do some more testing next time)

Are you seeing this WITHOUT your machine going to sleep/switching networks, or is it only when there’s a change like that?

It happened… twice this week, if I remember it correctly. The last time I know for sure was about 10 minutes after the machine woke up, but I can’t remember the first time too well. But I think I was going for a few hours already when it happened, so maybe the second time was just a coincidence.