Disable MFA for Admin Account

So I have been loving twingate, works great!

I setup my account and enabled MFA for my admin account. I also checked the button to require MFA for admin console access.

I did not backup my MFA TOTP app and my phone just suffered water damage and is dead.

Is there anyway to have support disable MFA for the admin user? I cannot login to create a ticket.

What a mess… Thanks for any help.

Hey Mike,

Sorry to hear about your water woes. I’ve done that more times than I care to admit.

If you can email me - arthur (at) twingate.com from the address that is set as your admin account, with the name of your tenant, your signup date (or as close as you can remember) and the name/ip of a resource on your network, I can get the MFA removed for you.



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Thank you Arthur for your assistance!