Lost 2fa authentication device

I did lost my phone so i don’t have access to my 2fa app and cannot get my 6 digit 2fa code. Unfortunately i have it set as a requirement to login to admin panel.
Is there any way to reset it or disable it o something?
I did check FAQ and tried googling, but all i found was related to 2fa access of network not admin panel itself.

Hi @siroga,

I assume you don’t have any other user in your Twingate environment with the Admin role?

If not, can you share the email address of the Admin user connected to your tenant along with the tenant name and send it to onboarding@twingate.com?

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Thanks for the answer, no i don’t have anyone else with admin role, it’s just for me to monitor my services.

Was just hoping there will be something that i can do to fix it. Gonna write the email. Thanks.

Hi, I tried to send my tenant information to that email bur no body responded to me. Can you help me resetting the 2fa for my admin portal please? Email: matt.alsham92@gmail.com

This was solved a while ago I believe.

Hi @Matt982,

I have let the team know, they will be in touch by email.

you should now be all set.