Reaching out to support

Does support exist? I am troubleshooting multiple errors, which I am sure are technical/configuration related - latest is “kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host”

I can not find any ways to reach out for support? Is this a dead product?

Hi Kramer,

We’re very much an alive product, I assure you.

We have a page documenting our available support options here. The TL;DR is that support options vary depending on your subscription tier.

I am the primary Twingate staff member that monitors the forums, and unfortunately I was out of office yesterday so your initial post did not get responded to until this morning, so I apologize for that.

Let me know if you have any other questions.



Thank you for the reach out!!! I hope you had some good time out of office!
My problem was on my systemd connector, it is resolved. You are likely getting a new customer!