I need help changing the company/network name

Hello support,

as we know it’s not possible for us (end users) yet to change the network/company name in the UI, would you please help me change it?

Thank you

Hi @salnaggar,

there is no straight forward way of doing this today. If you have access to our Support, I recommend open a ticket so our solutions team can help.

If not, you can either recreate your configuration in a new tenant manually, or use one of the Command Line Interfaces to export your configuration and reimport it in your new tenant.

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would you please provide me the CLI commands to export & import the configurations?

Thank you

all export and import commands are documented here: Introduction to tg CLI (JavaScript) | Docs

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Thank you so much, Here what i did:
1- exported the configurations to excel file.
2- created a new tenant with the name i wanted.
3- imported the configurations excel file to the new tenant.

but i had to create new connector & also the aliases didn’t export so i had to re-create them manually (not sure if i did something wrong)

but in the end everything is working just fine now :slight_smile:

Thank you again.

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