Choco install twingate-connector: The package was not found with the source(s) listed

the installation version of the program is no longer available ?

PS C:\Users\xxx> choco install twingate-connector
Chocolatey v2.2.2
Installing the following packages:
By installing, you accept licenses for the packages.
twingate-connector not installed. The package was not found with the source(s) listed.
Source(s): ‘…’
NOTE: When you specify explicit sources, it overrides default sources.
If the package version is a prerelease and you didn’t specify --pre,
the package may not be found.
Please see … for more

Chocolatey installed 0/1 packages. 1 packages failed.
See the log for details (C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\logs\chocolatey.log).


  • twingate-connector - twingate-connector not installed. The package was not found with the source(s) listed.
    Source(s): ‘…’
    NOTE: When you specify explicit sources, it overrides default sources.
    If the package version is a prerelease and you didn’t specify --pre,
    the package may not be found.
    Please see … for more

Hi @romanapanowicz,

we have discontinued support for the Chocolatey package for the Connector.

our recommendation is to deploy your Connectors in Linux VMs and / or as Docker containers (for Docker, you could run a Connector in Docker Desktop on Windows).

Thank you for the information.

I followed the tip and installed Docker Desktop for Windows, downloaded the twingate/connector image, but I stopped because I don’t know how to upload the connector parameters. Please help.

After trying, it was possible to run the Twingate connector on Docker Desktop.

When running the twingate connector image it was possible to define the variables I added: conector_name, TWINGATE_NETWORK, TWINGATE_ACCESS_TOKEN, TWINGATE_REFRESH_TOKEN, TWINGATE_LABEL_HOSTNAME

The problem now is to run as a service that will start automatically. Please help.

In the end, I succeeded with the help of taskscheduler.
I did two tasks. The first task runs Docker Desktop and the second task runs the “docker container start ” script.
Is everyone implementing the connector for Windows in the same way?

Hi @romanapanowicz,

glad to see it is working!

Yes, this is a typical way of doing it although you don’t have to set up the environment variables manually, once you install Docker Desktop, you can use the docker run command and therefore copy paste the command from the Admin Console’s Connector to the command line window in Windows.

I was wondering why after copying the given code from Twingat it didn’t start.
It was only after time that I realized that the problem was the apostrophes in the hostname.


are you referring to the the following part of the docker run command?


if so, did the docker run command itself return an error? Or did it complete and the Container just would not start?

Could you share your version of Windows?

(in reality that environment variable is actually entirely optional so you could just omit it. the reason it is encased in double quotes and single quotes is because the double quotes are used for environment variables in docker run and the single quotes indicate to the system running the command that whatever is between the single quotes should be run although the `hostname` command probably only works on Linux based systems and not on Windows.)

Yes, you are referring to this part of the code -env TWINGATE_LABEL_HOSTNAME=“‘hostname’”
I ran the command in Win11 in PowerShell and had to remove the apostrophes. It was identical on my macOS. Helped ‘hostname’ > hostname

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ok noted, and thank you for the clarification!