Add search bar and folders to client

Add search bar and folders to client

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+1 this would be our day to day use a lot smoother and it’s a very simple change.

Noted! We’ve been thinking hard about how to make it easier to find Resources on our Clients.

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+1. Our team currently has 150+ resources deployed and – as an administrator – it can be a pain to click on “View as list”, and have to scroll down the page while it loads each batch of resources. Additionally, from the end-user perspective, a lot of the resources have had to be moved under “Background Resources” to avoid it clogging up the main client list view. Folders would definitely be appreciated in this context.

Thanks for your feedback!

I get that a flat list is pretty annoying and we do want to improve things there. In the Resource list view, you’re able to search for Resources by their name or address. That helps me fairly frequently, maybe that’ll help you reduce how much your just scrolling through the list.